Monday, 14 September 2009

Making demand and supply.

Roosevelt warned of the military/industrial complex. Supply the army and get rich, simple. But of course there needs to be a war every so often to run down stocks. That’s not too difficult either when the Crooks In Administration also appreciate the benefits. OK that’s old news, just don’t talk peace in the US or some lone gunman will insist you joint JFK, BK, MLK and JL in heaven. Fine as far as it goes but what about the pharmaceutical industry? They’re like “We’re being left out in the cold here”, “OK so start your own war.” “How can we do that?” “Simple, start a pandemic and sell people the vaccine.” Wouldn’t that be a good wheeze! “But that’s …!”
“No, you’re not getting it. To join the complex you need to train your brain in a particular way of thinking we learnt from the mob, ‘Make the world an offer it can’t refuse.’”

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