Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Let Me get this Right.

So yesterday Cop26 discussed who would pay. Obvs the developed world governments that caused this mess should pay towards the frailer poorer countries that have been affected by it. We should pay trillions to save Fiji, which by 2050 will be the size of a parking lot. Fiji PM is happy and Boris et al are virtuous. All’s fare in love and planetary destruction. OK Boris himself doesn’t pay he just raises taxes from us; you, me and Roger across the road. Again fare enough, but what will our money be spent on? Well after all the Fijian parliamentary perks, 10-20% say, the parking lot will be invaded by all the big 1st world corporations eager to help out building high rise, runways, artificial offshore islands and a theme park. (Fiji will need a thriving tourist industry) So who gets the bulk of our money? Big 1st world corporations. OK some Fijians might get labouring jobs but more will be rioting against this invasion of plant and alien way of life destroying everything they hold dear. It’s basically the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan without the need for a war: Disaster capitalism on a worldwide pandemic scale. And those debacles cost many thousand lives and $2+ trillion dollars, with nothing to show for it. Well not nothing if you were an arms dealer. And it was all clothed in the best of intentions. So this time if you fancy a punt buy shares in IAV, Bechtel, Graef or Barr. Funny that few people have ever heard of them. If you’re less mercenary couldn’t we ask the Fijians what will be needed to maintain their way of life? So were the wrong people invited to Cop26? With large corporations screaming in their ear and governments looking to their next election result it’s likely we’ll get the same old top down profit hungry growth led solutions that got us here. You can hear it, “We’re all for it but we must maintain our profits, otherwise what would our shareholders think!” But seven billion people are in a thousand different ways screaming that things must change. Shouldn’t we run our own conference, a COP26/b, where we decide what we will do? We can do lots of things on an individual basis right now. Use 30% less energy, stop our food waste, grow food, eat far less meat, buy local, maintain things so they last longer and fix them when they break, stop air travel, buy less of everything, even plant trees and limit or make Christmas presents. I worked out once that boiling one cup of water for tea rather than 2 or 3, which we generally do, it would save half the output of the Drax power station. And maybe we can change the human race’s very recent central motivation to do things for profit. You know the one where we know the price of everything and the value of nothing.