Saturday, 16 January 2021


How They Built the Pyramids.

Nobody knows how they built the pyramids. Well Stiffmouse has figured it out.

Pyramids are deceptive because we only see them finished not as the builders saw it in the first place, as just a flat piece of land, so we imagine building it from the outside where they built it from the inside out. So they laid the first layer of rocks leaving a slot in which they created a ramp (red) at quite a shallow angle. The drawing of the ramps on the right doesn’t relate to the layers drawing on the left. They surfaced it with greased rollers or planks. With a rock at the bottom a rope led to a roller at the top of the ramp and out to a downward slope in the sand where many workers could haul it up. These rocks then formed the second layer again leaving a slot for a ramp. The whole arrangement was repeated at 90* to the first. The third layer rocks were hauled up the first ramp then the second and onto the third flat surface and distributed. On the fourth layer the first ramp was covered in to form a tunnel and maintain the structural strength but still available to haul rocks up. Subsequent lays were completed in the same fashion. Throughout the whole process the four hauling teams stayed in situ and could operate simultaneously to speed up the process. There could even be 2 or more separate teams at each haulage position. When the pyramid was complete the rope exits and the bottom entrance were filled in leaving no external evidence. The tunnels may have been back-filled but there’s no reason other than structural integrity. So there you have it. In my Stiffmouse world this is how I’d do it, but then I’m no a Pharaoh.

Sunday, 10 January 2021


Veritasium is an often mind blowing science YouTube channel. As a professional YouTuber he looked at it systemically. It has constantly adjusting algorithms to foster its own success. YouTubers then adapt their input to foster their success while the audience clicks on whatever they want from the pre-chosen infinitesimally small tip of its iceberg. These three entities mill around chasing each other’s tail. The result is regression. Apparently to be successful depends on a catchy title and an equally eye catching still with a video devoted to provide endorphins. But it’s still incredibly useful it you search for what you want, like replacing the heater fan resistor pack on a Renault Scenic Mk2, but that requires you to know what you want and have sufficient skills to do the repair. This divides the latter from those who’re simply grazing eye candy, which I suspect is the majority. It then just becomes a lengthier version of FaceBook or Twitter. So the regression built into all these platforms invisibly slips into the minds of their users. This regression does two things. It reduces knowledge to mean, “knowing what I like”, and hardens views to one site or the other. One begins to see the truth as more and more obvious and anything other as, well fake news. Everyone knows that tossing a coin enough times gives a 50/50 result so it’s highly likely the reason why every election these days is ~50/50. Regression has reduced millions of voters to be as predictable as a coin toss, heads or tails, 50% totally committed to one side and the other 50% to the other with a rising amount of animosity between the two. And each believing they’re ‘well informed’ and the other aren’t. Trump and Brexit are obvious examples. Trump was obviously a narcissistic psychopath well before he was elected and Brexit has always been a bad idea for the majority of UK citizens as we’re about to find out. Regression as provoked by YouTube, social media and traditional media has been rising up through society until those most easily swayed are the majority. And that’s why we invented sight, so the blind wouldn’t lead the blind.

Thursday, 7 January 2021

Confusion Begone.

Last night a BBC4 film about a chap who’s composed an eight hour music performance for an audience on beds. Where rave music’s designed to give an endorphin rush this is designed to loosen one’s hyper mind to the possibilities of, well? I mean this is difficult. Lets say you live a fast, stressed, productive lifestyle with job, childcare, cooking, places to go, mortgage to pay etc. Lets call it the rat race; treading the fine line between living on the streets and mental exhaustion. And someone says, “It can all go away”, and you say, ‘yeh right, talk is cheap’. Then Max Richter’s ‘Sleep’, somehow makes it a real possibility. All music is composed, or designed to elicit a response. Also music works works at an almost autonomic level as a language of vibration way deeper than our created language of words. Words and their usage come from our conscious mind where vibrations, made and received bodily, bypass it. But music can convey ego from the almost vicious imagination of Stravinsky to the dreams of Debussy. Max, a skilled composer, wanted to conjure an earth like ego that repeats and evolves to some unfathomable plan governed by unfathomable rules, neither random or prescribed. What he’s created is an anathema to our conscious mind, boring, repetitive, tuneless, monotonous. Our conscious almost screams, ‘you’re not playing by my rules!’ But one feels relaxed, understood, connected. It’s bravery of the highest order to insult the listeners consciousness by ignoring it. But, though it won’t rival BeyoncĂ©, it might rank high in the download charts. We don’t want the rat race and all its exhaustion, fear, duplicity and unfairness. This brief sojourn into egocentricity, like all others before it, is coming to an end. Thanks Max and well done.

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Boris’s Balanced Confusion.

Watched the four parter on Celebrity. Sickening dinnertime watching. The century begins with the paparazzi feeding us with puerile, largely fictitious gossip about stars, like Venus getting out of a limo showing her nickers. I doubt upskirting, there you go, isn’t in my spell checker’s lexicon. They make £000s per pic. The stars life is corrupted by 000000s of us paying good money to prey on them. Paris Hilton, no doubt upstaged as a child by her parent’s hotel chain, makes a career out of it as consolation. She earns $00000s. Others with picturesque bodies follow suit. Now I don’t know if it’s my own personal bitterness but hulks rarely have a philosophical temperament and big boobs do not an intellectual make. Don’t get me wrong, bodies are beautiful, but mine, at any age, would not be chosen for its muscular looks. So by 2010 the public focus was on celebrities who, with a few exceptions, needed zip up shoes and a PA to remember their name. They earned $0000 which seemed to give them a divine rite to have an opinion. And that opinion was, “fun, sex, drink and social media. And there began the ‘me-too’ Love Island generation where countless shows could promote perfectly ordinary big boobed muscular hunks to celebrity status and also earn $0000s by having a million followers eager to vicariously share their humdrum ordinary lives. That earned them even more by casually slipping in that they’d just bought a Marks and Spencer’s jumper, and how lovely it was to have sex in. And got so drunk they threw up all over it and had to buy another one. $catching. And then it was 2016 and the final act in this comedy of egocentricity. Certain politicians renown for their vane egoistic temperament found it was the perfect time to rise. Social media had found its new kings. They could say any damn fool thing and it be perfectly in tune with the zeitgeist where, ‘if it’s my opinion it must be true.’ Now in 2021 Trump is playing out his last days ‘phoning a friend’ like on HW2BaM while Boris is busy polishing his Brexit turd. And who comes out of this unholy mess on top? Who are the British public cheering on louder than any politician, influencer or social media star? A twenty year old footballer who’s known childhood poverty, who’s struggled from those humble beginnings to achieve excellence, who speaks simply and true. This, hopefully, is the true beginning of the 2020’s.

Monday, 4 January 2021

Balanced Confusion.

I’ve stopped listening to The Moral Maze for health reasons. Four supposed experts maul over four expert guests towards a conclusion that’s never reached. It’s like Songs of Praise with the hymns sung backwards. And now all news on the Beeb is treading this same path in its quest for balance, one weary confused step at a time. Is the government right or wrong? Are the teachers right or wrong? Should this be that? Every point made by some expert is politely countered by a news caster with a GCSE in woodwork. The assertion that “Picasso used coloured paints” is met with, “But mightn’t he have painted in black and white and it’s been coloured in later?” GCSE pratt fishes out an old black and white photo to prove his point. “But that’s a b&w photo, look Picasso’s in b&W too.” “Yes but colour was only invented in 1945, well after Picasso’s period.” It’s like planting out a raised bed, one carrot and one anti-carrot at a time, every idea planted next to its opposite. Is it the old fascist idea of ruling by mass confusion? And then some nine year old is interviewed, because of course he has a valid view on government policy, and mouths some middle class verbatim about missing his friends and being worried about his own mental health and long term career prospects like a ventriloquist’s dummy. I’m now screaming at the screen like the Last of the Mohicans. If that’s what schooling does fuck it, fuck ‘em all, let him play in a field for a week, poor bastard! And Mohican is correct spell checker, I looked it up. I have not misspelt ‘Chicano’! If I’d wanted to say a person of Mexican descent I would have said so. And why is everyone waiting for ‘more data’? It’s like some spreadsheet’s going to come down from the sky and churn out a definitive answer so that basically I don’t have to think about it. And equally basically I must not make a decision because decisions are bad. If I ever make a decision it will likely be wrong and that’s way worse than doing nothing. I go back to the spell checker for comfort. ‘Chiastic’, Inversion in the second of two parallel phrases.’ OK I don’t understand that but it must be true. ‘Chiasma’, The crossing of the optic nerves from the two eyes at the base of the brain.’ OK, whatever. ‘Chicago’. Oh I know this one so lets try Synonyms. ‘boodle, Michigan, Newmarket, stops, Windy City.’ Who writes this stuff? I try ‘Bollocks’. It’s got to be done. ‘One of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens.’ Oh right, must try that next time some twat gives me the benefit of his opinion. ‘she kicked him in the bollocks and got away.’ That’s more like it. At last something I can relate to. And that’s the trouble with data, most of it is boll….x.