Wednesday, 18 May 2016

UK Corruption.

After hours of struggling to define corruption I think it is, ‘a fish swimming backwards.’ Obviously fish are too smart to attempt this but if they did they’d find all their scales that help them swim forwards would flay out and make a thousand little brakes, like teazels that go in but won’t come out. In corruption the thousand facets of effective human interaction become points of jagged resistance. Using this analogy the UK is a hot bed of corruption and its futile activity of coercion. Cameron may comment about Nigeria and Afghanistan corruption but at home he’s presiding over an unprecedented expansion of a more sinister form. In every aspect of education for example every participant, students, teachers, lecturers, parents and future employers are bristling with stress and anger from record levels of coercion. And coercion in academia just as in Nigeria is the active ingredient of corruption. It forces stress down the power structure and rewards, i.e. money, up it, and like the teasel it only goes one way. But more importantly coercion corrupts effectiveness hugely as in the fish swimming, or in this case being pulled, backwards, and once this paradigm sets in ineffectiveness obviously requires more pulling, which in turn leads to even less effectiveness. It must be very confusing to the likes of Nicky Morgan that whatever she does things get worse. It’s simple dear, just consider a fish swimming backwards.

Monday, 9 May 2016

A Children's Fire rain cover.

During dance ceremonies with a Children’s Fire it can rain. Many years as a DS has brought this fact to my attention. So here’s a cheap and pretty easy to make rain cover for the Children’s Fire  designed to go up and down quickly and fold to the size of a large umbrella for storage. You’ll need 6 hazel branches, a 1.1m square fire blanket (~$12), ~8m guy rope, 50cm of cloth tape, 4 nails, 4 eyelets and 4 tent pegs, and a cup of tea if you’re English.

If it looks like rain lay it out on the ground as in the diagram. Do a dry run to find the best position for the pegs and leave them in the ground. Unhook the near two guys and fold it back down. You’ll find it’s a bit wibbly-wobbly in the erection phase but when pegged down it’s quite stable. Best to hold the guys as wide as possible to stabilise it. The blanket will turn slightly brown in the centre but that’s fine.

To make Child’s fire rain cover.
1- cut 2 pairs of stout hazel poles  95 cm and 125 cm long by 2-3 cm diameter.
2- drill holes 2 cm from both ends to take string.
3- buy a 1.2 m square fibreglass fire blanket (~$12) and 4+ tent pegs.
4- fold over two opposite edges 5 cm and sew along to make a tube. (pref with a zigzag stitch) Fibre glass fabric frays very easily!
5- insert two thin hazel poles 1 cm dia by 1m long into tubes. These will become front and back edges.
6- on the outside ends of these poles wrap cloth tape around the ends and sew onto fibreglass to make a sandwich  and make a button hole or use an eyelet through.
7- tie together the thick ends of each long and short pair of poles to make a hinge.
8- nail (big headed) through each corner button hole into the thinner ends, front edge to the two long poles and back edge to two short ones. Use a large washer to stop cover coming off if necessary.
9- tie a length of guy rope round the nails of one side to match the length of the extended blanket plus 2 m at either end.
10- measure approx 1.5 m along the front guys and 1 m along the back ones and form loops for pegs.
11- That’s the cover completed, but as it is it won’t fold up, so look at where the back edge pole must be broken for it to fold and snap it there. The whole thing should then fold into a roll for storage. 
12- test it out and practice putting it up and down. There’s a bit of a knack to it but it comes easily.

Palestine in Lancs.

Imagine the history of Palestine played out in Lancashire. Seventy years ago there’s an influx of migrants into Lancashire fleeing Russian and European repression. After several years they become a significant minority. They organise and simply declare themselves an independent migrant state within England. The US president recognises it and US dollars provide it with arms when the English retaliate. There’s fighting until the UN recognises the new state and boarders are drawn. More migrants come and the new legitimate state expands into Cheshire and parts of Yorkshire. The English are incensed by this intrusion into our country but our economy is poor and we can only afford inferior weapons. The migrants build a wall to keep us out and ‘legally’ persecute the English ‘rebels’ in other counties killing many innocent children and civilians. This is what it feels like to be a Palestinian. 

Saturday, 7 May 2016


This morning where I volunteer we had a morning reading and sang a hymn. Steven read us the virtues of Jesus and asked how we might live up to his example and the hymn followed in a similar vein. I was suddenly struck by the thought that this aspect of religion is a form of repression. I mean we might attempt supporting the homeless and stuff, but he saved the world! How are we supposed to do that? Now I think well actually he didn’t, he travelled around being good to people and talking beautifully about life, and we can all try to do that. And the repression was from someone along the line bigging him up so much that we normals just feel terminally inadequate and that’s a bit of a downer. But then feeling terminally inadequate means we’re unlikely to get big ideas that we can change things. No, when we’re all insignificant failures we’d best just keep our heads down and follow whoever’s leading. That’s why it’s so brilliant Leicester winning the league. They didn’t have Man City’s cash or Chelsea’s star players they started the season as the terminally inadequate. Then slowly Claudio Raniari taught them they weren’t. They found they could be fierce, focused, play freely and win matches. It’s become a miracle that nobody can quite believe has happened. And all because of attitude, no mega bucks, no PR spin, no star egos, no double speak platitudes just permission to play wonderfully. In the face of our burden of austerity under the repression of the all mighty (Conservatives) Leicester showed us how to be wonderful. And that my friend is the true message of Jesus, before the establishment got its hands on it. Just be amazing and enjoy it. Simples, chiqk.