America, Australia, South Africa
and Israel show the propensity for one social group to subjugate another to the
point of near extinction. It only takes a rhetoric and its beliefs to take
hold. These historical cases hinge on the influx of immigrants of a different
culture crushing the indigenous people. It seems those who choose to displace
themselves bring with them a far greater need to exert their presence and claim
to the territory than those who call it home. As in all these cases the
incomers push the indigenous to the periphery and when they resist they’re
labelled rebels and persecuted. They become poor, suffer from a great cultural
malaise and labelled nare-do-wells who have brought their plight on themselves.
The new order can then wash its hands of them. Originally this wasn’t a
conscious policy, it was just how things panned out, but as it worked so well
in marginalizing the poor and bringing more wealth to the rich it might now be
deemed a rationally effective policy. In fact the writings of Ayn Rand
advocating it has been widely read and lorded by major industrial and political
figures. In doing so Rand moved the game from a geographical basis to the
worldwide global economy. Instead of the European Founding Fathers
marginalizing the Native American Indians global corporations have it in their
sights to marginalize the people of the world in the name of good corporate
economics. And it’s superficially true. Either you work and consume and create
their profitability and wealth or become ‘nare-do-wells who have brought their
plight on themselves’, and, as mechanisation requires fewer and fewer people,
the numbers left to become depressed, drunk and marginalized will increase. I
say superficially because this tightening spiral of wealth is unlikely to
realise it is a noose around its own neck. Whether or not it is overthrown it
will create a wealth of no meaning, dollars of no value and a happiness of no
significance. Currently our ‘austerity’ measures are having the desired effect.
The populous will be trapped into servicing their debts on lower wages and with
diminishing state support. The wealthy will be cocooned in their own health,
education and policing services, but as unpaid debt rises and demand falls in
line with the proportion of those able to pay, circulating money will slow
dramatically. The wealthy will find they can’t meaningfully circulate enough
amongst themselves. They will find the services they rely on for support are no
longer supported by the myriad of wider social services they have let fail.
Universities with no students, private hospitals with no trained doctors,
private schools with no trained teachers, even failing farmers without the
necessary education. Surrounded by the starving zombies they themselves have
created they will be trapped in ghettos of a wealth that rapidly becomes
meaningless. Their ethos becomes unsustainable but generations of comfort leave
them incapable of change. And all this because we are allowing sociopaths to
make the rules, people with corporate rather than human values. Just a thought.